Wonderful article. Genuinely surprised you were able to say something about this hackneyed topic in a way that struck me as sophisticated and new.
I wonder if you have considered the multi-political implications of your premises here. I suspect you have, but I'm interested if those are the same as my own.
Namely, this made me think two things: You are a prideful person in a COMPETITIVE sort of way. This competitiveness is is what drives this call for equal treatment in the truest sense: You're saying you can compete without the pitying treatment of sanctimonious people...At least there is something authentic about old fashioned racists.
...Anway, is it true that what you are saying is this:
1) Modern attempts to "understand" come off the wrong way specifically because the underlying issue is not a complex one: Black people are people, act accordingly.
2) Once this SIMPLE truth is accepted "white guilt," or the "pitying" attitudes among certain section of white people to black people can disappear.
3) The disappearance of these attitudes would be a good thing, one result of which would be true competitiveness. Everyone playing a game of merit - not one of hate or guilt.